
I'm trying to make a blog (3)

The old blog is here.

Learn JavaScript

In the second week, I tried to read ”JavaScript The Definitive Guide” by David Flanagan, but it was not easy for starting. I chose ”Head First JavaScript Programming” by Eric T. Freeman and Elisabeth Robson as my introduction, and I read about 1/3 of it in one day. Since I had the experience of learning C and Python, it was easier to understand.

The purpose of learning JavaScript is to convert markdown files into html files with the layout I want. Because my learning notes are markdown files written in obsidian and I want to keep my own blog’s layout and customization. Some existing static site Generators such as Jekyll and Hexo, are also a choice.


Blog updated home page log, personal introduction, pages for mobile, and some notes. The next step will continue to work on the Archive, CN page, JP page, and other learning notes, as well as redesign the layout of notes reading after learning JavaScript.

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